1. One of the best ways to get new customers into your spa is to offer incentives to get them there. They may have heard about your spa but aren’t sure they need to spend that money. That’s where a coupon treatment can come in handy.


2. Be social online. Social media marketing is thriving; numbers of potential clients are browsing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs tremendously. Online story telling increases human awareness and when performed correctly can bring traffic to your site through keywords.


3. Create packages for your clients; offering a specific package for a flat price rather than offering dollars off coupons will keep them coming back and help you build client loyalty while allowing your clients to see the results they are looking for.


4. Have an event in your spa or salon. Set up the event with plenty of activities and freebies, including drinks and food, beauty tips and entertainment. This will increase the possibility that a considerable number of people in your community will learn about your spa.


5. Gift with Purchase. This is a great idea to present to your client when they spend above a specified amount on beauty treatments. The gift with purchase could be anything from cosmetics, skin care products, a gift certificate, product samples etc.


6. Know your clients and demographics. You have to keep in mind that you need to be able to reach your clients through the right advertising avenues. Be mindful of what type of marketing will reach the type of customer who will come to your spa.


7. Have a contest with a giveaway! Engage with your clients. Contests are a rich source of gaining pertinent date and information; contests empower consumers to do your marketing for you.


8. Word of mouth referrals. One of the best methods for getting business is to treat current customers so well they will be happy to talk you up to potential customers. In the service industry, people want to know when they go to a spa that they will be treated well. One of the best marketing tips for your spa is to focus on your existing customers so they will recommend you to others.


9. If you decide to go with traditional advertising like print, radio or television ads, focus on the well-to-do customer who might be most the likely to pay for your services. This means, then, that instead of advertising in a larger newspaper in your area, you might advertise in the smaller newspaper that serves a specific community. You’ll be marketing specifically to people who live in that neighborhood and you’ll spend less money.