skin deep ,ara wiseman, nutritionist, health, skin foods

At Sharplight we want you and your clients to achieve the best possible results, inside and out. There are many ways to improve the health of your skin; being that it is the largest organ in your body it requires the right fuel to keep it looking beautiful. Nutrition is vital to healthy and younger looking skin. I consulted with our leading nutritional expert and author of Skin Deep, Ara Wiseman. Her successful practice primarily focuses on nutritional counseling, addictions, weight loss, detoxification and hormonal imbalances.


 Here are some great age-defying and skin foods that Ara recommended:

 1)     Pomegranates are great for softening the skin. They are packed with vitamin C, which helps guard against the wrinkling effects of sun damage. The pomegranate juice contains nutrients that may increase your body’s capacity to preserve collagen.


2)     Avocados are filled with vitamin E and potassium, and are a rich source of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. The vitamins and minerals in avocados have been shown to reduce cholesterol, improve skin health and lower blood pressure. Avocados also contain biotin for healthy skin.


3)     Dark chocolate, 70% or higher, has been shown to help protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV exposure. It can increase circulation in the skin and improve its ability to retain moisture, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


4)     Beets are nature’s Viagra! Beets are high in natural nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is known to expand the walls of our blood vessels so you can enjoy more oxygen, nutrients and energy. It increases blood flow. Beets also contain high amounts of boron, which is related to the production of human sex hormones. Better blood flow, more oxygen, increased endurance and energy, and more nutrients, will enhance your sex life and keep you younger!


5)     Sweet potatoes contain lycopene, which protects your skin from UV damage. They are also loaded with vitamin C, which produces collagen for healthier skin.


6)     Watermelons are loaded with both beta-carotene and lycopene, which help protect your skin and repair the cells.


7)     Jerusalem artichokes contain 5 times more iron than potatoes. They contain vitamins A, C, & E, which are necessary for neutralizing free radicals. It can help to fade the appearance of under-eye circles as they are high in iron and also beneficial for the liver.


8)     Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are high in antioxidants that help prevent cancer and improve vision. Antioxidants fight the free radicals that cause wrinkles.


9)     Brazil nuts are high in selenium, a powerful mineral that aids in the production of the antioxidant glutathione. This mineral repairs cell damage and slows down the skin’s aging process. Just 2 nuts a day will help you stop the aging process in its tracks.


10)  Flaxseed oil and hemp oil are high in omega 3 fatty acids which can reduce inflammation and is helpful for arthritis, heart disease, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. It keeps your cell membranes strong. Oil should be refrigerated and not heated.


11)  Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and helps to alleviate arthritic symptoms. It helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and cancer and assists in liver detoxification. Tumeric is a bright yellow spice that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, toothaches, bruises, and chest pains.


Last but not least, it is important to reduce your stress, as it will definitely age you. Stress definitely has an effect on your skin and appearance and you can worry yourself to wrinkles. Develop a personal stress release plan like meditation, deep breathing exercises, tai chi, yoga, music, journaling, massage, a warm bath etc.


For more information about Ara Wiseman please go to: or like her Facebook page!