Maintain Your Clinical Documentation

Those who practice diligence and set higher qualitative standards, often produce greater treatment outcomes and increased client satisfaction. Which in turn, produces greater business performance.

Following protocols, meeting safety standards, reading training and user manuals, researching local regulatory requirements, and seeking ongoing clinical, marketing, and sales training, are all areas that successful businesses allocate time to.

Although maintaining client documentation is only one aspect of proper clinical practice, it plays an essential role in the delivery of safe and effective treatments. Without the proper record keeping, clients could be treated incorrectly and ineffectively.

As taught during training, the clinical documents provided by SharpLight are used to ensure:

  • Client candidacy.
  • Comprehension of treatment, benefits, risks and informed consent.
  • Treatment plan and type.
  • Appropriate parameters.
  • Progression of treatment results.

The documents listed below are required to decipher and deliver the information above, and are considered mandatory when operating any of SharpLight’s Technology:

1.) Medical Health History Form

2.) Informed Consent Form

3.) Treatment Data Record Form

4.) Treatment Notes

5.) LaserSmart Safe Skin Typing Form

6.) Client Compliance Forms


*Please note: The listed documents must be updated during each treatment.

Along with the above, taking photographs is also considered crucial. At a minimum, photographs should be taken before the first treatment, midway, and after the last. However, it is strongly suggested that photographs are done before the first treatment, during each subsequent treatment, as well as during any follow up visits.


Before and after photographs are important for a number of reasons:

1.) Marketing campaigns: Photographs taken in-house can dramatically increase sales by generating new clientele via on- and offline media.

Seeing is believing, and seeing successful work that has been done on site is even better.

2.) Tracking results: Both the practitioner and client are able to verify treatment progression and success. It is possible for some clients to forget the amount of improvement that has occurred when a treatment series takes several weeks/months to complete. Photographs help remind them of the benefits of their investment.

3.) Upselling: If clients are able to see before and after photographs of themselves and their treatment outcomes are successful, it will excite them. This often makes it substantially easier to upsell a treatment on additional body areas, or it encourages them to try other treatments.

4.) Liability: Taking photographs is important to document what the area looked like before and after the treatment(s) has been performed. If any negative claims are made, photographs can be used to assess any changes that may have occurred.

In addition to the above, SharpLight also has an incentive program for successfully taken “before and after” photographs. If you have photographs that show outstanding results, you could be compensated for them! For more information on SharpLight’s “Before and After” Photograph program, please feel free to send an e-mail to


Remember, your business and reputation thrive on the environment, communication, and the results that you provide to your clients. Successfully and safely meeting the needs of clients starts with listening and asking questions to identify what they seek and how to deliver it to them. In summary: Being diligent in your practice only promotes success, whereas “cutting corners” leads to long term business distress.