People get tattoos for any number of reasons. Some get them to memorialize a loved one, others, as a reminder of personal experiences, to commemorate major milestones, or just purely for aesthetics. Tattoos are however permanent, and sometimes people will want to have them removed for a variety of reasons. Below are five of the biggest reasons for tattoo removal. These reasons include embarrassment, job hunting, enlisting in the armed services, negative impact on body image, or simply to open up more areas for new tattoos.
More than half of people who have tattoos removed do it because they suffered embarrassment as a result of it. Many received negative comments from friends or family, perhaps because of the subject of the tattoo, or possibly because the work wasn’t well done by the artist. A tattoo can also cause embarrassment if contains the name of an ex-lover, or a bad habit somebody has grown out of.
Job Hunting
A third of people who have tattoos removed do so because they believe their current tattoo, whether because of its placement or inappropriate subject, is holding them back from getting their desired job. Tattoos have become more socially acceptable, both in free time and the workplace, but there are still many positions that are not available to people with visible tattoos.
The armed forces allow certain tattoos, but not all of them, so many people who are seeking to enlist consider removing tattoos that make them ineligible for service.
Body Image
Many people get a tattoo thinking they will look “cooler,” but a third of people who end up getting tattoo removal do so because the tattoo has actually made them feel less attractive. This could be simply because they don’t like the art, or perhaps because their body has changed since they got it, and the tattoo no longer looks attractive.
More Canvas
Some people have tattoos removed so that they can get another tattoo more in line with the current style. Tribal arm bands, which were popular in the 90s, are frequently removed to make way for full sleeve style tattoos. Sometimes it is possible to do a cover up on these pieces, but there are some dark inks that cannot be layered over, so people will end up having them removed.
Removing a tattoo is even more painful than getting one done, so the decision to have one removed can be a difficult one to make. Some people who are not satisfied with their tattoos choose not to have them removed because they would rather live with the tattoo, but they struggle daily to cover up their unsatisfactory tattoo. For many, it is less painful to have the tattoo removed than it is to see their regrettable tattoo daily.