To exfoliate or not to exfoliate, that is the question!
With the harsh winter passed, and summer around the corner, it’s more important than ever to exfoliate. The stratum corneum consists of dead skin building up on the surface of the epidermis, blocking necessary nutrients from reaching the dermis. Exfoliating helps with removing these dead, useless layers, and in turn, allowing treatments and moisturizers to properly absorb for effective results.
Another benefit to exfoliation is helping alleviate wrinkles. When your live skin is trapped under the dead surface, the production of collagen will slow down, decreasing the elasticity in your skin.
Fun Tip – Want to test and see how much dead skin you have left on the surface? Do the tape test. Place a piece of tape on the skin. Once removed, you will notice skin particles stuck to the tape. After exfoliating, repeat the test, and you will notice a dramatic decrease, if not a clean tip with no residue.