Once you have a potential client in for a consultation, your sale is pretty much made, right? Maybe not. While seeing the potential of SharpLight products and procedures is often enough to sell a treatment to a client, this isn’t always the case.

Potential clients who make it in for a consultation are typically extremely interested in and motivated to improve an element of their appearance, but money factors, hesitation about the technology and reservations about where to get the treatment done can all get in the way of them making an official appointment. This is why a consultation is not a time to simply sit back and assume your client is ready to hand over payment.

Instead, this is a time to finely tune and tailor your approach to your client. They must feel comfortable, be shown exactly what the technology can do for them and walk away with confidence that your clinic is the best place to get the medical aesthetic treatments they are seeking.

To help your clinic get to this final push for a sale, follow these steps and tips for a SharpLight consultation that sells:


Before the Consultation: Have all Forms and Information Ready


Your chance to earn your client’s confidence and trust begins before they come in for their consultation. Before a client arrives, you should work to make sure you, your staff, and your clinic are prepared and professional looking. As part of this preparation, have these tools at the ready:


  • Before & after photographs
  • Medical Health History Forms
  • Informed Consent Forms
  • Contract


First Impressions: How to Make the First 30 Seconds Count

Does your clinic inspire confidence? Having a professional appearance is important in any business, but it is especially imperative in any medical practice. Unlike a bargain retail store or similar business that can get away with looking a bit disheveled sometimes, your clinic must give the appearance of being safe, secure and on top of things.

This starts right from the moment your client walks in. You can make the most of this first impression by paying careful attention to the following:

  • Greet your clients by name
  • Shake their hand and give a warm, friendly introduction
  • Emphasize to your staff that their appearance should always be neat
  • Be prepared with information, forms and contracts


Actively Listen: Learn and Teach During the Consultation


One of the best ways to build trust with a client is to let them know that you are truly interested in their individual goals. While it can be tempting to start recommending treatments you believe will be best, you will gain more trust from your clients if you listen to them first.

Begin by asking them why they came in, what their concerns are and what they would like to achieve with medical aesthetic services. Most importantly, as they answer these questions, really listen to what they say to determine the best possible treatments to address their concerns.

Note: You only want to discuss and address concerns that the client brings up. If they are there to get wrinkles on their neck treated, this is not the time to mention the lines around their eyes. Not only will this make the client self-conscious about something did not previously have a concern about, but it will make it appear as if you are only trying to create more business. This is off putting and will lessen the trust they have in your clinic.


Recommend a Solution: Tailor Information to the Client


After listening thoroughly, you should be able to recommend one or more treatments to help them. When framing your recommendation, you will want to tell your client relevant information like:

  • What to expect
  • How long the procedure takes
  • Potential results
  • Why you recommend this solution
  • Tell them how this is tailored to their concerns and what similar clients have experienced


Answering Questions: Be Knowledgeable and Prepared


After making a recommendation, make sure to ask your client if they have questions. If your client seems reluctant or does not seem engaged with the information, you can encourage them further by offering a free trial in the form of a test patch of the treatment.

Above all else, you will want to make sure you know all about the treatments you are selling. Be prepared with specific information and this will go a long way to building trust with your client.

At this stage it is also important to build on the excitement you have created thus far. This is the time to bring out stunning before and after photos and remind clients of all the great things the treatment can do for them.

After you have answered questions and performed a patch test, it is time to let your clients give feedback on their experience. Ask them how it felt, if they are excited to see more, how their total experience was, etc. This gives another chance to build excitement and bond over the client’s potential transformation.


Payment: Addressing Financial Concerns and More


When taking payment, there is still a chance a client may back out before officially paying and scheduling. Sometimes, once you state the final price, the buildup of excitement from before is not enough for them to justify the expense.

One way to combat this is to break down the total amount into a daily sum that would be easier for them to justify. Yes, the total cost may be $2,000 but that’s only $5.47/ day for a year. Giving up a pricey coffee drink every day and drinking coffee at home would be nearly enough to cover that amount in most cases.


Reception: Pre-Booking an Appointment


As the client leaves, you want to ensure you and your staff maintain the professional quality of your interactions. You also want to pre-book an appointment with the client. Having them book now is another way to ensure they do not change their mind or back out at the last minute.

Finally, a week before their appointment, you should confirm once again the time and treatment they will receive. This will reduce the chance of a missed appointment or last-minute schedule change.


Consultation Help


Need more help and tips for a successful consultation? The SharpLight team is always here for our partners! We have a wide range of marketing tools and informational resources to help inform you, your staff and your clients. To learn more, call us at 1 (855) 984-0619.