Do laser hair removal treatments brings in the best ROI?


If you were to ask any medical laser aesthetic spa owner or technician in North America, which treatments brought in the healthiest ROI, that laser hair removal treatments would be in the top three, next to (Botox and Hyaluronic Filler) – even though this market has been flooded.

Then why is laser hair removal still a lucrative treatment?


Well, if you consider the fact that laser hair removal is attributed to a service that is: the most affordable, has one of the lowest consumable and overhead costs, is easy to upsell, is the most familiar to the general public and is most likely to bring in package renewals and upgrades – it makes perfect sense.

What other factors make laser hair removal one of the most sought-after treatments in the market?


Another marketing perk is that wrinkles and other skin blemishes illicit less shame (or stigma), than let’s say having hair in embarrassing places.  Let’s face it, skin conditions like acne or rosacea may temporarily diminish one’s beauty. But a woman with facial hair may cause humiliation and social ridicule to a much greater extent. This might be because laser hair removal is strongly associated with sexuality and gender identification.

So, unlike skin resurfacing, skin tightening and photo-facials, the positive rewards for removing hair is not what makes it a non-aesthetic dire necessity. It’s the negative social repercussions of not removing it that makes all the difference in the world.

Are there any limitations to laser hair removal?


There were until recently.  At one point, this treatment was unsafe for people with tans and of colour, or ineffective for people with fair hair. And this was problematic for two reasons.

Number one, people who like to tan, need to be tanned for work and live and travel to climates that make it difficult to avoid being tanned, are the ones who would benefit the most from laser hair.

And number two, those limitations exclude the majority of the population -which makes laser hair removal a small market.

Fortunately, advances have been made in laser hair technology that has resolved these types of issues.  And now, SharpLight Omnimax IPL EASY MAX HR 635, HR 580 and HR 730 can safely and effectively treat dark complexions, tanned skin, and fair hair.

In turn, this has opened up new opportunities for upselling, marketing and tapping into a larger demographic.


What’s the best way to market SharpLight Omnimax laser hair removal in a saturated market?


You need to discuss five things that will help you market laser hair removal successfully:


  1. Never take for granted what you know. You work in the medical laser aesthetics industry, of course you keep abreast of the latest innovations. What the public is just learning is old information to you – so your job is to educate even if it seems like it’s a given. Many people don’t know that it’s safe for people of colour or tanned skin to get laser hair removal. And many people still think laser hair removal is ineffective for fair hair.


  1. Don’t overlook the fact that laser hair removal technology for tanned skin is exceptionally rare. Your SharpLight Omnimax machine stands out for this reason.

Don’t hesitate to tap this market. There are people who need to be tanned and hairless. Snow birds need to be beach ready, bodybuilders need to be competition ready (so being tanned and hairless makes them look more defined), bathing suit models need to be camera ready (so they don’t look pasty or razor burned) and it can be difficult for people who live in sunny climates to not be tanned. Ironically, those are the people who need laser hair removal the most. So, focus on what these people desire.

  1. Sometimes you have to bring politics and untapped markets into the forefront. As long as it’s tastefully done, it’s beneficial to ride the coattails of political movements. In the past, laser hair removal excluded people of colour. Advances in technology makes it inclusive and multicultural. You’d be surprised at how many people of colour and people with fair hair think laser hair removal is still unsafe and ineffective. Give them the good news. And don’t be afraid to address the gay and transgender community. Or even straight men who might not know that Brazilian laser hair removal treatments are an option.  Be inviting and when it’s needed and a bit cheeky to stand out.  For example: Create a trigger-free safe space for all 63 genders. Or mention that you’re selling a package for your package. It’s entirely up to you. There are so many communities that would respond to you if you just gave them the shout out they desire. Consider, the objectives and lifestyle choices of swimmers, water ballerinas, dancers, ladies basketball teams, metrosexuals, figure skaters and models.
  2. Being hairless is not your targeted audience’s objective. Think about what your targeted demographic really wants to achieve by being hairless. To be trustworthy you need to be relatable. How much time per year will they save by not having to shave? Can I say yes let’s go now to that spontaneous pool party invite? It’s fun to be sex-ready with no prep time required? Remember, you’re selling to people. So, make it about them, not what you’re selling.
  3. Don’t knock the affordability factor. Sometimes all it takes is a great deal to get people in the door. There are times when it’s ok to mention that. Just make sure it’s for a large ticket purchase like a full body. You can always charge full price when they renew their second package. By that point, they’ll usually trust you enough to want to continue.