Acne is one of the most common skin irregularities that both men and women get. It’s known to affect different age groups, which has made people search for faster and more efficient treatment solutions.
There have been various treatments for acne developed within the aesthetics industry; many medical spas offer drug-related treatments. However, these medicines may have negative effects on some people. This is why SharpLight has developed drug-free technologies to treat acne. This article will discuss more about laser treatments and SharpLight’s medical devices that treat acne.
Important Things to Know About Acne
Before discussing the drug-free treatments for acne, you should first know more about acne. Acne is a condition of the skin when oil and dead skin cells block up the hair follicles. This makes the area vulnerable to getting affected with bacteria. A red bump is formed on the affected area which has pus inside; this causes a painful sensation in the area since the body will naturally try to get rid of the bacteria, which builds up pressure on the area of the skin that has been blocked. Acne typically naturally disappears after some time. However, this condition greatly affects some people’s confidence and it’s no surprise people want to remove it as soon as possible, as well as the acne scars that typically form afterwards.
Medical Treatments for Acne
There are many kinds of various medications offered to treat acne. These medicines aim to either reduce the oil production and swelling on your skin, or they are used to directly treat the bacteria affecting pores. Some of these medicines can be bought without getting a prescription from licensed doctors. However, there is a great chance that these will not work very effectively, especially as effectively as lasers. Here are some of the common medicines used for acne treatment:
Retinoid cream
- Retinoid is a group of Vitamin A derivatives used for unclogging the pores affected by acne.
- It also stimulates the production of collagen. This is important as it will help make the skin smoother and look younger.
- A retinoid cream can even help reduce the appearance of acne scars.
- The possible side effects of using such products include dry skin, skin redness, and increased skin sensitivity to the sun.
Topical antibiotics
- This type of medicine should not be used alone when dealing with acne.
- This is used to kill any excess bacteria on your skin. It does not treat the actual acne by itself.
- It is best partnered with retinoids. It may also need to be partnered with benzoyl peroxide to reduce any risk of developing antibiotic resistance.
- When it comes to the use of antibiotics, you should first consult with a doctor. A doctor may prescribe topical antibiotics or antibiotics that can be taken orally.
- It may be taken orally or it may be bought as a gel that would be applied directly on the affected areas.
- This is usually prescribed for people with moderate to severe acne.
- Most of the time, doctors would push for this to be used when other types of acne treatment have already failed.
- Patients using Isotretinoin risk themselves of getting inflammatory bowel disease, severe birth defects, and depression.
- Patients must regularly see their doctors when taking Isotretinoin to check for any other signs of side effects.
Treating Acne with SharpLight Devices
SharpLight is known to develop non-invasive treatment methods for various kinds of skin problems. The devices they created are drug-free alternatives for most of these cosmetic issues. Below are the specific devices developed to treat these various skin issues:
OmniMax S3
- The OmniMax S3 is a device that is able to treat multiple kinds of skin irregularities.
- This has been incorporated with 3 technologies that may be used individually, or they can be combined to treat multiple cosmetic issues. These technologies include:
- Dynamic Pulse Control™ (DPC), which is a proprietary laser technology specifically developed by SharpLight. This technology uses intense pulsed light to treat skin irregularities. It has three pulse configurations aimed to treat different skin types.
- VermaDerm Long Pulse Infrared (LP IR) is a technology that uses long pulses of wavelength that reach from 850nm to 1750nm. The pulses can reach up to 4mm underneath the skin. The rapid burst energy produced is important to control the thermal effects and temperature that is penetrating the skin.
- Radio-frequency (RF), using energy to deliver heat to the tissues at specific temperatures.
- The device has a graphic user interface (GUI) that was designed to be used easily by dermatologists.
- The way it treats acne is with its DPC AC 420 handset. The handset emits a laser light with a 420nm wavelength. The acne bacteria, also called propionibacterium acne, are known to produce porphyrins. These porphyrins absorb the light energy released by the handset. This process stimulates the porphyrins to release oxygen. This would then kill the bacteria. In parallel, the handset emits a yellow wavelength that helps in coagulating the small blood vessels. This would then nourish the lesions produced. Another positive effect that this technology gives to the skin is that the 420nm is actually absorbed by the melanin found in a person’s skin. This would increase the temperature inside the tissues, which would then improve the healing of the affected areas.
- The other treatments that the OmniMax S3 is able to do include: anti-aging, body contouring, cellulite reduction, hair removal, skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, stretch mark removal, treatment for pigmented lesions, treatment for vascular lesions, and wrinkle reduction.
OmniMax S4
- This device incorporates all of the features found in the OmniMax S3.
- The additional technology being used with the OmniMax S4 is that it has included lasers as one of its features.
- With the use of the med-aesthetic laser, the device adds more treatments such as fractional resurfacing, tattoo removal, and vein removal.
Rapid DPC
- This device uses only the DPC technology, treating Acne, Skin Rejuvenation, Laser Hair Removal and Pigmentation.
Rapid Peel
- This SharpLight device incorporates only the laser technology.
- It is focused more on removing or reducing skin imperfections.
- With regards to acne treatment, it is used to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
- The light produced by the laser is used to break up the scar tissue on the surface of the skin. It is not recommended if you still have active acne in the area to be treated.
Using SharpLight Devices to Treat Acne Entails Less Risk
Laser acne treatments are scientifically and clinically proven to be the most effective method of treating acne and acne scars. Compared to the side effects that may come up from using medicine-based treatments, SharpLight devices are known to pose less risks and create superior results for reducing acne and acne scars. With the devices using measures like contact cooling, the skin is assured that there would be no risk of getting skin injuries. Learn more about SharpLight acne treatments by getting connected with a SharpLight laser specialist and seeing the beauty for yourself.