Through working with SharpLight devices you must have learnt that beauty doesn’t have to bite. In fact, by offering quality non-invasive medical aesthetic treatments, you bring your clients exemplary results without the setbacks typically associated with invasive treatment options. Yet how seriously do you consider one of the top factors influencing your ability to cater to all patient profiles? 

Skin typing is a simple enough concept, but one that can take some time and practice to master. If you’re serving a diverse patient pool, you may find yourself even more attentive to this key consultation stage.  Afterall, incorrect skin typing can lead to damage and side-effects, not to mention subpar results for patients. That’s why at SharpLight, we teach our partners a multistage skin typing process using our LaserSmart Advanced Skin Typing Chart. We also stress the importance of performing a skin test during the consultation stage and staying attentive throughout the treatment timeline.  

Many clinics aren’t properly equipped to serve patients with darker skin types. This is due to a wide variety of factors. From increased light sensitivity on melanin-rich skin limiting device application, to a systemic lack of attention towards darker colored skin within the beauty industry. Finally, both status-quos are changing, and SharpLight Technologies is at the forefront to assure that our partners are equipped to best serve their diverse patient pool.  

Fun fact: Did you know? The Fitzpatrick Skin Typing system was first developed in 1975 and is still considered a highly effective method by the scientific community! SharpLight takes it further to assure our partners can more accurately pinpoint the correct skin type using our LaserSmart Advanced Skin Typing methodology.   

Type 2 Skin Tone Switzerland, SAVE 31% -

With Fall and Winter being busy times for laser services, and the ritually busy holiday season ahead, we bring you a brief but valuable guide on providing the top treatments to varying skin types.  

Laser Hair Reduction: 

SharpLight provides a comprehensive solution to laser hair reduction for all skin types. Our proprietary Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC) technology comes with a hair removal hand piece to effectively treat skin types I to V.  Our Long Pulse Nd:YAG is expertly primed to treat skin type V and VI while maintaining comfort and high efficacy. Be sure to conduct a comprehensive skin typing assessment using your LaserSmart Advanced Skin Typing chart. Err on the side of caution when unsure to ensure patient safety.  

Skin Tightening/Firming: 

With holiday parties, more get-togethers, and the new year ahead– more patients will be looking to invest in skin tightening and firming treatments. Radio frequency is amongst the top treatments for these goals. With your SharpLight radiofrequency (RF) technology you are in the perfect position to treat skin types I through VI for skin tightening, contouring, fine line treatments and more! Use the RF Face or RF Body to give a head-to-toe renewal – as desired! Results are visible after a single treatment, allowing your patients to leave the room highly pleased, and even make their way to a party the same day.  

For skin types I to V, you can further pair radiofrequency with infrared to take a dual-technology approach and achieve even greater results! SharpLight’s infrared technology can treat skin folds, lax skin, fine lines, and wrinkles by tapping into a different scientific mechanism than radiofrequency. Give your patients an even more comprehensive treatment by taking advantage of both technologies!   

Skin Rejuvenation:  

Be it our DPC skin rejuvenation (SR) handpiece, or our fractional laser resurfacing technology, you can have the top tools in your arsenal to give your patients the gleaming skin they desire. Time efficient, comfortable, little-to-no downtime yet multiple skin concerns tackled at once. What can be a better miracle, especially during a busy yet emotionally charged season?  

Use the DPC SR handpiece to treat fine lines, dull skin, large pores, and other common textural concerns on skin types I to V. 

Are your patients looking for a weekend of introversion, and showstopping results in time for their holiday parties? Offer them a fractional skin resurfacing treatment using SharpLight’s Er:YAG 2940 nm Fractional Laser. Effective on skin types I to V, you can control the intensity of the treatment based on your patient’s needs. Offer a supercharged solution to textural skin damage, lackluster skin, fine lines, wrinkles and more! Results are visible after just a week!  

Although the DPC hand piece and fractional laser option are not safe on skin type VI, there is good news! Darker skin types are generally less prone to fine lines, sagging skin and wrinkles, limiting the need for the above stated treatments on skin type VI. Why not offer a highly comfortable radiofrequency treatment alongside another facial at your practice? Radiofrequency alone can work wonders and show catching results after a single treatment.  

Bring it All Together  

End your 2022 by witnessing the high ROI-potential of stacked skin treatments! By considering your patient’s unique skin profile and treatment needs, you can devise the ultimate skincare treatment that only YOU can offer. We offer our technologies in multimodality devices to make this opportunity feasible for you! Looking to upgrade to an OmniMax S3 or OmniMax S4? Let’s make that thought truly count! Talk to your SharpLight contact about our trade-in options and get your multimodality device in your office – pronto.   

Are you looking to further optimize the opportunities offered by your multimodality SharpLight device? Our expert team of clinical trainers can assist you in mastering the ultimate treatment combinations to further drive your practice success and patient satisfaction! Get in touch with us today!