When assessing your clients’ skin, have you noticed certain combinations of skin concerns come up more than others? Considering the interconnected processes that can cause so many of the skin concerns we treat, that’s no surprise. That’s why SharpLight has devised multimodality systems that allow you to treat multiple skin concerns by providing personalized treatments where you can use a combination of technologies. As our partner, you can trust you’re ahead of the game!
How SharpLight is Ahead in Treating Established Indicators of Skin Quality
Consider the 7 parameters connected to female skin and aging pinpointed in the Scientific Assessment of Skin Quality Scale. Devised by a team of expert aesthetic dermatologists and cosmetic scientists, it offers a comprehensive set of skin concerns to consider when making a judgment on skin quality. The list includes:
- Elasticity
- Wrinkles
- Skin surface roughness
- Lentigines/ Pigmentation
- Erythema
- Blemishes
- Pore Size
In the Journal of Scientific Dermatology, this scale is noted as the most comprehensive one; it includes multiple parameters, including the oft-neglected parameters of pigmentation and skin surface roughness. While this scale is recent with the article published in 2020– SharpLight has been ahead of the game for over 30 years! As leaders in the medical aesthetic field providing clinically backed solutions, we’ve already brought forward top technologies to treat even the less discussed signs of aging – such as pigmentation. We offer you advanced solutions to treat each of these areas of concern – individually and in combination! Are you taking full advantage of this?
Interconnected Mechanisms of Aging Can Cause Multiple Skin Concerns at Once
In addition to a comprehensive list of skin concern considerations, this scale was developed with a large sample size of females between the ages of 19 – 72 years old, spanning all the Fitzpatrick Skin Types. While this may already be obvious to some, the scale showcases that similar or interconnected mechanisms that cause a change in skin quality play a role in the change in each of these parameters. Intrinsic causes of aging – naturally expected changes in the body—and extrinsic influences – such as environmental and lifestyle factors – together determine how rapidly signs of aging appear on the skin. Yet it’s easy to see how a number of these concerns can arise in union.
That’s why you need to have quality tools handy that allow you to provide multi-faceted treatments; with SharpLight technologies and handpieces, you can treat multiple aging skin concerns that can arise around each other. What is the point of your client coming to you for one treatment indication, but having to go somewhere else to receive treatment for another indication that you could have anticipated and be treating? Why not be able to give your client comprehensive and personalized treatment solutions possible for their varying needs that you can anticipate? Would you feel like your clinic is optimally functioning if your client comes to you with a combination of say pigmentation, erythema, and open pores – and you only have a subpar solution to provide?
Are you providing your clients with SharpLight devised treatment combinations?
Multiple skin concerns – that you can anticipate- can happen because of similar underlying mechanisms and influences impacting these often-interconnected parameters. It makes sense to have devices and treatment technologies – such as our multimodality devices – that allow you to treat multiple concerns at once; there’s a higher correlation between certain parameters of aging, meaning there’s a high chance of a client coming in for a certain concern yet having others on the list to treat, or for their desire for a complete solution.
And that’s where SharpLight has done much of the work for you! We’ve taken into consideration your needs as a clinician, business owner, and industry professional to design a variety of comprehensive solutions. Is it time to grow your clinical knowledge or handpiece collection? Our advanced clinical training teaches you how to pair different handpieces and technologies to provide comprehensive treatment solutions to your clientele.