Have you been evaluating ways to generate greater interest in your treatment services? Well, you’re already ahead of the game! You’ve invested in a clinically backed device with leading technologies you – and your clients- can count on. Consumers everywhere are looking to scientifically-sound skincare solutions that will get them the results they seek. Data shows that consumers are more aware than aware, seeking to understand the mechanisms behind how the products/treatments work, and seeing what they’ve done for others. 

With so many fads available on the market, you can further build trust in your services by catering to this need of your clientele; By providing them with solid resources that generate trust in your treatments, you can attract serious clients looking to receive the results science has made possible!  

One such key resource is quality Before and After’s. These refer to sets of images that show your client both before and after receiving your treatment to showcase efficacy. In fact – the term quality here is super important. By providing low-quality BNAs, you can increase confusion amongst vigilant prospects and give leverage to competitors who may take it as an opportunity to discount your treatments. With quality BNAs, you can generate high reliability and trust while showcasing the incredible difference your treatments can make. That’s a formula for robust marketing. Not to mention it is imperative that you document your work on your patients as a legal safeguard, for clinical records and archiving results of your services. 

Steps to Capturing Quality BNAs 

  • Have your equipment ready:  

To create usable BNAs, you need to have your camera, lighting, and background ready for action. You may think natural light is the key – but it’s best to avoid it. Instead, opt for artificial light that you can control and that will give you a clear image. Select a solid background, either black, grey or white, to keep a clear focus on your client and remove visual clutter.  

  • Set up your location:  

Choose a room to take all your BNAs in. This will allow you to assure more consistent quality and streamline your process for capturing solid BNAs.  

  • Get your client ready:  

When taking your BNAs, make sure you have release documents signed by your client, giving you license to use and distribute their images for your business. Be clear on your ask; for each client, you want to take pictures before and after each treatment, and 6 months after the final treatment.  

Assure your client:  

  • Wears the same outfit before each picture (or wears disposable garments you provide) 
  • Removes any makeup and jewelry 
  • Keeps hair away from their face, neck and chest 

This will help provide a clear focus and minimize variability; this is important for avoiding uncertainty around identity or effectiveness of results.  

Consider providing a valued incentive to your client for participating in your BNA collection. This will foster greater commitment to the process and generate more satisfaction for your clients. 

  • Take the image:  

When taking the image, assure that the distance, angle, and zoom focus is consistent each time. Make sure you have a clear image without shadows. Also advise your client to maintain a consistent facial expression and body posture. 

Secure Signs of Treatment Efficacy 

By following all these steps and staying attentive to the details, you’ll successfully remove any visual uncertainty and highlight the only difference you’re interested in – treatment efficacy! Keep note of these settings so that you can recreate them each time when capturing a set of BNAs.