If you’re looking to open or expand your own medical aesthetic business, you may feel overwhelmed and lost in where to start. With so many treatments available, many med-aesthetic business owners lose focus on which treatments they should offer. But what if it wasn’t so complicated?

Here, you’ll find the top med-aesthetic treatments that will help grow your business. These popular treatments will provide effective results for your clients while boosting your profitability. Providing these treatments will ultimately help you achieve a loyal clientele base, and word will soon travel to other prospective customers seeking reliable and effective med-aesthetic services.

The Most Popular Med-Aesthetic Treatments

Just like in any business, it’s important to think carefully before expanding your treatment offerings. When starting your med-aesthetic business, offering the most demanded treatments to begin with will be your key to success – then you can add more treatments based on the number of clients requesting new types of treatments. Once those treatments have been mastered, you can also start thinking about introducing new therapies that aren’t as common.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Here are the top 3 services we recommend offering when starting your med-aesthetic business.

Laser Hair Removal

Undoubtedly one of the most popular treatments today, laser hair removal is a must for any burgeoning med-aesthetic business. Laser hair removal involves using laser technology to reduce or remove hair completely from the body, with minimal discomfort to the client.

Unlike other treatments, laser hair removal appeals to both men and women – which will undoubtedly double your clientele, boost your ROI and grow your business exponentially. Any equipment costs will soon be earned back through treatment sales, and the vast majority of aestheticians are already trained to provide this service.

At SharpLight, we offer laser hair removal machines that are renowned in the industry for giving clients the results they are hoping for. Our Omnimax S4 and Rapid DPC devices not only deliver effective hair removal, but also offer other service options such as skin rejuvenation.

Some other benefits of our devices include:

● Treatments are non-invasive and relatively painless.

● Cooling tip reduces sensitivity on the skin.

● Five pulse duration options allow for precise, flexible and safe treatments.

● High-power heat ensures maximum effectiveness and enables results to be achieved in a relatively small number of treatment sessions.

● Permanent results are achieved!

Rest assured, our laser hair removal machines have been proven successful by previous clients and they will do the same for yours.

Skin Rejuvenation

Another popular service we recommend you offer in your med-aesthetic business is skin rejuvenation. Skin rejuvenation will give your clients a fresh new glow by removing signs of sun damage, environmental pollution and aging.

Wrinkles are a common complaint amongst clients, and our high-tech devices can give just the right cure. What sets our machines apart from our competitors is that we use specific technology that helps us target the issues in a balanced manner.

The advanced process allows for the damaged collagen fibers in the skin to be renewed and regenerated with new, younger cells. This encourages the skin to heal itself, leaving your client feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Non-Invasive Body Contouring

When running your med-aesthetic business, you’ll find that treatments that are non-invasive and pain-free tend to be the most popular. Yes, your clients will want to make improvements to their bodies, but they may not want the pain or down time associated with surgical interventions.

That’s why offering non-surgical body contouring is just what the doctor ordered. Not only are these treatments cost-effective for your clients, but they are also a great ROI for you as a

business owner – win-win! These treatments are so popular because they require absolutely no downtime and there is no risk of post-surgery complications. Most clients even say that it feels like getting a warm massage.

With our Rapid Contour device, you can use multi-polar radio frequency technology to offer your clients a full range of body contouring and skin tightening treatments – not only to give them a more a refined shape, but also a boost in confidence. After all, happy customers are returning customers!

The Secret to a Successful Med-Aesthetic Treatment Business

It’s no secret that the hardest part of running a business is getting your clients’ through the door. There’s a whole world of competition out there and standing out in crowded market can be tough. That being said, if you can offer quality treatments with exceptional results, they’ll practically be lining up for an appointment in your practice.

The above services mentioned in this post are all popular treatments that will attracts clients seeking the latest and greatest in med-aesthetic care. Not only that, they also offer great ROI to business owners, as they are relatively inexpensive to provide.

Now that you’ve got an idea of which services to offer at your new med-aesthetic business, it’s time to get the tools. SharpLight is well suited to provide you with comprehensive cosmetic technology for your clinic. Your clients deserve the best and so do ours!

Be sure to check out our website for even more ideas, tips and tricks for your med-aesthetic business