Before a laser or an IPL light therapy session, cleansing the skin is vital. Be diligent and let your client’s know about skin treatment pre-compliance. Although, some client’s don’t have the time to complete this step prior to entering your spa or salon, it is important that you keep wipes (or a cleansing agent) in the treatment room as they are quick and easy to use.
The skin at the treatment site should be free of cosmetics, perfumes, lotions and creams. Makeup should be removed completely from the face. Many concealers and foundations are difficult to remove, especially around the eyes and nose, so give these areas some special attention if needed.
If you are completing an underarm treatment, deodorant should be removed prior to treatment, as this could affect the results. When treating the Bikini or Brazilian areas you can provide your client with cleansing wipes to use before you leave the room to allow them to get prepared for the treatment.
Chemicals in perfumes and lotions that come in contact with the skin are not always visible to the eye and can contain pigments which could result in a burn if treated over as the laser and light are drawn to the area. These can obstruct or attract laser light negatively.