Do you ever wonder how celebrities keep their skin looking so young? What are the anti-aging celebrity secrets? Keeping skin in stunning and flawless condition can be an incredibly lengthy and expensive job even for a celebrity. This is why effective non-surgical anti-aging therapies have become the procedure of choice among top celebrities; as well as those of us who work every day and cannot afford time away.
Many dermatological and cosmetic skin conditions can also be improved with laser skin resurfacing. SharpLight has exactly the treatment you need to treat all these conditions quickly and cost-effectively. Skin resurfacing maximizes client results, minimizes procedure risk and reduces downtime in comparison to more invasive procedures such as plastic surgery.
Collagen provides the support system to our skin. As we age, the collagen breaks down causing lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, years of sun exposure can cause discolouration, enlarged pores, and pigmented areas on the skin. The laser works by tightening your existing collagen naturally through the stimulation of your own collagen, rejuvenating skin cells below the surface. Patients report and studies have confirmed that this procedure results in a refreshed appearance, decreased pore size, wrinkles and lines, a smoother skin texture and an even skin tone.
This is achieved using a micro epidermal peel produced by an advanced technology, the Er: YAG Fractional Laser. Through heat energy, the peel removes the top layer of skin; this old, damaged layer is then replaced by a fresh, smoother, more radiant layer of skin. Depending on the patients’ needs, the laser’s energy can be set to various strengths to affect a range of depths, including superficial and medium depth skin layers, allowing practitioners to provide patient-tailored treatment plans.
The benefits of using the Er: YAG Fractional Laser are:
- Treatments are effective and efficient, producing impressive results after the first session.
- Treatments are customizable with adjustable peeling effects and degrees of strength, allowing practitioners to personalize patient needs.
- Healing is rapid and treatment requires little downtime.
- Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, surface scarring from acne or other scarring.
- Minimizes the appearance of sun damage, age spots and pigmentation.
Healing takes about 2 – 4 days, most patients can get back to work and apply makeup 1-2 days after the treatment. As a result of heat penetrating into the skin patients are instructed to stay out of the sun and always use sun block to prevent pigment changes to their freshly resurfaced skin.
Our technology is the perfect choice to deliver these treatments. Invest in the OmniMax Platform with SharpLight (which offers 4 advanced technologies, including skin resurfacing!), if you haven`t already and receive unlimited revenue potential with the ability to offer over 15 treatments. Be sure to read up on our Spa Marketing Tips as well.