1. Stay hydrated! It’s so cold outside that sometimes we forget that our body needs water. As soon as you wake up have a glass of water and keep a water bottle close throughout the day, put a reminder in your calendar if you need to.
  2. Make sure to moisturize your entire body, your skin needs all the moisture it can get!
  3. Don’t forget to protect your skin by wearing cream or foundation with a little SPF in it; UV rays are the same strength all year round.
  4. Use a creamy cleanser and avoid using soap as it tends to dry the skin.
  5. Shower in luke warm water or take shorter showers.
  6. Last but not least remember your A, B, C’s…vitamins that is. Vitamin A keeps your skin strong allowing it to create new layers, Vitamin B is an important metabolism enhancer and Vitamin C rebuilds collagen at your skins base!