As we all know, creating brand awareness is one of the best ways to use social media. This allows for customers to find and connect with your clinic, as well as many other benefits like brand loyalty and customer retention. To be able to effectively use social media, you must first understand the objective of each social media platform.


Easily create 20 to 30 conversion topics/per month by keeping these 2 tips in mind:


  • Make sure the link from whatever platform you use, goes straight to content that is relevant to the message you posted. If they click on something you posted, it means they want more information. It’s not enough to get visits, you want conversions and visit times to be longer.
  • Not all content you link to needs to be your own. You can also post with links to content you didn’t author about industry news and other relevant topics of interest. This is called curated content. Just make sure you’re not linking to your competitors.

2) Ensure you are using the most effective social media platform for your target market


  • The objective of LinkedIn is to do business networking. It is for people who seek out employment, employees, business collaborations, clients, information about business trends, an opportunity to boost a brand and other strategies for increasing businesses.
  • Facebook is beneficial for showcasing interesting content in the form of entertaining and share-worthy ideas, innovations and news. For example, if you want to post a video or post linking to a thought-provoking article about a breakthrough in what bodybuilders are doing these days to get competition ready or something about the latest research, pertaining to toxic content in the skin – you will achieve wide reach and massive engagement on Facebook. This is why it’s best to craft messages that educate people rather than trying to directly sell your treatments. Interested prospects will click on the link that takes them directly to a blog, landing page or website if they want information on how to purchase what you’re selling. Your only goal is to get your messages in front of as many interested people as possible.
  • If you decide to invest in Facebook event promotion or ad space (for the first time), seek the advice of social media experts who can help and teach what to do, in order to garner the best ROI for your marketing dollars.
  • Twitter is a platform designed to let people know what is trending. And there are two ways to use this objective to your advantage. Number one, do a daily search of what is trending and make your message relevant. And number two, do a search to find out which treatment-related hashtags are current and frequently used – so you can insert them in your tweets. Because Twitter is used as a search engine – the right hashtags make a difference.
  • Gaining a large following on Twitter can be difficult and require more effort than other platforms. It requires that you follow people, influencers, professionals, coaches, enthusiasts, groups and organizations and associations that have weight loss, detoxification, fitness and body sculpting objectives. It means you must like and share their posts, comment and engage with them, using their handles and the right hashtags until they follow you.  It can be a full-time job. So, either dedicate the time yourself, have an employee do it or hire someone else.
  • Instagram is used as a virtual storefront – so design posts that display what you do. Well thought out graphic images or videos demonstrating how to help people sculpt and detoxify their bodies, is an effective way of showcasing your virtual body sculpting and detox storefront. Scientific animations and live footage also goes a long way in garnering a large following and interested prospects.

TIP: Never use more than 8-10 hashtags on Instagram. And make sure that those hashtags are relevant to the message. It is also best to keep the hashtags below the message (or as part of the sentence in a grammatically correct way). Your point shouldn’t get lost in keyword distractions.

3) Ensure you are posting during the optimal times on your social media platforms


Research and use LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter data analytics features to find out which times are optimal for posting on each platform. If you don’t have a large enough of a following, make sure that for:


Facebook posts between 1 pm – 4 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays at 3 pm and between 8 am to 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday. To do well, you should post five to 10 posts per week on this platform.


LinkedIn posts Peek times for high click-through rate are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30 am to 8:30 am, 10 am to 11 am and 5 pm to 6 pm. Wednesday is the optimal posting time.


Twitter posts –  between 9 am – 3 pm (which are optimal posting times) but peak hours are between 1 pm to 3 pm. You should put out at least 5 tweets a day. But if you can tweet 20 per day, you’ll do well


Instagram, posts – Monday 7 pm & 10 pm, Tuesday 3 am & 10 am, Wednesday 2 am & 5 pm (which is also the best time for videos as well between 9 pm – 8 am), Thursday 7 am – 11p m Friday 1 am & 8 pm Saturday 12 am & 2 am and Sunday 5 pm. You should post once or twice a day for optimal results.


To make it easier, prepare 30 posts in advance on a Smart Sheets or Google Drive Content Calendar and schedule it on a Hootsuite dashboard. Using this online software, your scheduled posts will go out themselves. However, when it comes to using the Instagram platform it should be scheduled directly from your smartphone.