


60 second article – It’s time to remove

“Dear SharpLight, last weekend got a bit out of hand… I got a tattoo- and I HATE IT!! What can I do???”

Not to fear- SharpLight’s MaxQS is here!

SharpLight’s Omnimax device offers a vast variety of technologies in one platform, one of the most popular being our Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser handpiece.

The MaxQS is indicated for the removal of tattoos on various body areas. This technology encompasses multiple wavelengths, giving the practitioner the ability to treat a wide variety of pigments such as; light, bright and dark coloured or black tattoos.

The mechanism of action is based on what is called a Photo Acoustical effect. This effect is achieved by rapidly delivering laser energy to the desired target. Once that occurs, it enables a shockwave in the targeted tissues- fragmenting the ink into tiny particles. These tiny ink particles are then absorbed by cells in the body, a process known as phagocytosis.

The treatments are fast, and produce highly effective results- the results that your clients are demanding.

Are you thinking of incorporating tattoo removal treatments for your clients? Call or email us and book a demo to see & feel for yourself!

Don’t look at that tattoo and be in a bad mood, use SharpLight’s MaxQS and have it removed!

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